
When is the Best Time to Eat Dates?

When is the best time to eat dates

When most people want to eat dates, they have the question “When is the best time to eat dates?“. To answer this question, we have to examine different things that we have discussed in this article. Dates are a very nutritious fruit and one of the most popular ones is Sayer dates. Although fresh dates are very suitable for consumption, most people prefer to consume them dry.

Dates Nutrition

A 100-gram portion of dates has the following nutrients, which include:

  • Calories: 282
  • Protein: 2.5 grams
  • Carbohydrates: 75 grams
  • Fiber: 8 grams
  • Sugar: 64 grams
  • Calcium: 3% of the daily nutritional value
  • Iron: 6% of the daily nutritional value
  • Potassium: 14% of the daily nutritional value
  • Magnesium: 10% of the daily nutritional value
  • Copper: 23% of the daily nutritional value
  • Selenium: 6% of the daily nutritional value
  • Vitamin B6: about 10% of the daily nutritional value
  • Folate: 6% of the daily nutritional value

Sayer dates are one the sweetest dates in the world with a sugar content of 75%, which makes it very easy to eat several dates in one serving. As a result, a large amount of calories, fibre and natural sugar reaches the body in one serving, so be sure to eat dates in moderation.

Also read: Sayer Dates Price

Best Time to Eat Dates

Regardless of the type of food you eat, the best time to eat is when you are hungry or want to eat. Although many experts claim that there are specific times for the body to digest food, there is little scientific evidence to support these claims.
The human body is ready to digest food before eating each bite. Special digestive enzymes are released in the mouth and their release continues during the digestion period. In fact, your body is able to recognize the type of enzymes it needs based on the ratio of nutrients, and it can do this at any time of the day.

However, here are the best times to eat dates:


Starting your day with a few dates can be a great way to boost your energy levels and help you feel more alert. Dates can be a great way to add sugar and natural fibre to your diet early in the morning. In addition, their high-fibre content can keep you full and satisfied throughout the morning. Also, the best time to eat dates is at breakfast if you are trying to lose or maintain a healthy weight.

Afternoon snack

Dates are a good source of fibre and rich in natural sugars. This pairing of fibre and sugar causes blood sugar to rise more slowly and helps you have energy.

When you are hungry

Dates are very filling due to their high fibre content. If you’re feeling hungry but not ready for a full meal, eat some peanut butter and dates for a good source of fibre, carbs, and protein.

‌‌Before Exercise

Although dates are naturally high in sugar, they do not raise blood sugar quickly. Instead, they provide a type of carbohydrate that provides a steady stream of energy to fuel your workout. Try to eat 2-4 dates 30-60 minutes before training.

Night Snack

Consuming dates at night is not harmful, but it may not be ideal. Dates contain natural sugars that can affect sleep by making it difficult to fall and stay asleep. If you choose to have dates in the evening, it’s best to eat them in small amounts and combine them with protein-rich foods like nuts or seeds. This combination helps slow down sugar absorption into the bloodstream. Also, if you tend to lose weight, the best time to eat dates is not at night.

Read more: Eating Dates During Pregnancy

Best time to eat dates for weight gain

Due to its high carbohydrate and sugar content, dates can be a suitable option for people who are trying to gain weight. People who follow weight gain diets can consume dates along with other high-calorie foods to achieve their desired results sooner.
For example, you can eat dates with bananas or other snacks. The amount of dates is also very important. For example, people who want to gain weight may need more dates. Therefore, it is better to consult a nutritionist to provide you with this information.

Best time to eat dates for weight loss

Best time to eat dates for weight loss

The best time to eat dates and the amount of its consumption are very important and if you take this substance arbitrarily, you may not get the desired result. For example, for people who follow slimming food plans, it is better to consume dates on an empty stomach to feel full for a longer time.

When is not the best time to eat dates?

You have Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

Those with IBS may be sensitive to foods containing FODMAPs, which are small-chain carbohydrates that some people have trouble digesting. Dates as a significant source of fructose can lead to bloating and stomach problems.

After a heavy meal

Dates are rich in fibre, which takes longer to digest. As a result, eating a large number of dates after a heavy meal may cause discomfort.

If you have allergies

Although rare, some people can be sensitive or even allergic to dates. If you think this may apply to you, talk to a doctor first.

If you have diarrhea

Dates contain sorbitol, which may increase bowel movements in some people, so it is better to limit or avoid using dates until bowel movements are normal.
In general, there is no bad time to eat dates. In fact, dates are very nutritious and are considered as a snack or part of meals. Remember that your body can digest food 24 hours a day.

Conclusion about the best time to eat dates

As mentioned, dates are a very tasty and suitable snack, which are rich in fibre, calories and natural sugars, and can be served as a sweet snack or part of a meal. Due to the ability of the body to digest food regardless of the time of day, the best time to eat dates is when you like to eat. They are a great snack in the morning, afternoon or evening due to their high fibre and sugar content, which will help fill you up and give you an energy boost.

Note that if you suffer from IBS, allergies or diarrhea, consult a specialist before use.

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